Mandatory internship policy for students


The rise in global competition has prompted organizations to devise strategies to have a talented and innovative work force to gain a competative edge. Developing an internship policy is an impactful strategy for creating a future talent pool for the industry. The Internship program not only helps fresh pass-outs in gaining professional know-how but also benefits, corporate on fresh perspectives on business issues and even discovering future business leaders. Keeping this in view, JPIT NALANDA has developed the policy for Internship Guidelines for organizing Internship for Diploma in engineering students. These guidelines comprise of steps for Establishing, Maintaining & Fstering Internships. JPIT NALANDA has a strong Industry Institute Interaction and also having MOUs with various organizations, and MSMEs to facilitate internship. Further our Corporate Relationship Division (CRD) cell with their training and placement department provides Internship for students.


1. Exposure to students to the industrial environment, which cannot be provided in the classroom and hence creating deployable professionals for the industry. 2. Learn to implement the Technical kowledge in real industrial situations. 3. To learn various processes materials, products and their applications along with relevant aspects of quality control. 4. Understand the psychology of the workers and their habits, attitudes and approach to problem solving.


  • Year round source of highly motivated pre-professionals
  • Students bring new perspectives to problem solving policy for internshio.
  • Visibility of the organization is increased on campus.
  • Opportunity to learn new skills and supplement knowledge.
  • Opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills.
  • Build industrial relations.
  • Makes the placement process easier.
  • Improve institutional credibility & branding.
  • Helps in retention of the students.

Internship Duration:-

  • Internship of 3 to 4 week after 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semester during the leave period after the Examinations during winter or summer vacation period.
  • After the Semester, students are required to be involved in inter / Intra Institutional Activities ciz; Training with higher Institutions; Soft skill training organized by CRD.
  • Students may choose to undergo INternship / Innovation / Entrepreneurship related activities resulting in start-up or undergo intership with industry / NGO’s / Government organization / icro ?Small Medium enterprises to make themselves ready for the industry.

Internship Guidelines:-

Step 1:- Request Letter / Email from the office of Training & Placement cell / HOD of resective department of the college should go to industry to allot various slots of 4-6 weeks during summer vacation as internship period for the students. Students request letter / profile interest areas may be submitted to industries for their willingness for providing the training.

Step 2:- Industry will confirm the training slots and thenumber of seats allocated for internships via confirmation letter / E-mail. In case the studentsarrange the training themselves the confirmation letter will be submitted by the students in the office of Training & Placement through concerned department. Based on the number of slots agreed to by the industry, TPO will allocate the students to the Industry. In addition, the internship slots may be conveyed through Telephonic or written communication (by fax, Email, etc.) by the TPO or other members of the T&P cell / Faculty members who are particularly looking after the Final / Summer Internship of the students.

Step 3:- Students on Joinig Training at the concerned Industry / Organization submit the Joining Report / Letters / Email.

Step 4:- Students undergo industrial training at the concerned Industry / Organization. In-between aculty Members evaluates the performance of student’s once / twice by visiting the Industry / Organization and Evaluation Report of the students is submitted in department office / TPO with the consent of industry persons / Trainers.

Step 5:- Students will submit training report after completion of internship.

Step 6:- Training Cerificate to be obtained from industry.

Step 7:-List of students who have completed their internship successfully will be issued by CRD and same should be maintained by the respective department.

Internship Report:- After completion of internship, the student should prepare a report to indicate what he has observed and learnt in the training period. The student may contact Industrial Supervisor / Faculty Mentor / TPO for assigning special topics. Daily diary will also help to a great extent in writing the industrial report since much of the information has already been incorporated by the student into the daily diary. The training report should be signed by the internship Supervisor, TPO and Faculty Mentor. The Internship report will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria:-i.) Originality ii.)Adequacy and purposeful write-up. iii.) Organization, format, drawings, sketches, style, language etc. iv.) Variety and relevance of learning experence. v.) Practical applications, rellationships with basic theory and concepts taught in the course.

Admission 2024-25