
At JPIT teachers have been using projects as a means of teaching technical skills, tool usage, and problem solving. The project method also provides an excellent means for increasing student learning. The project method is a teacher-facilitated collaborative approach in which students acquire and apply knowledge and skills to define and solve realistic problems using a process of extended inquiry. Projects are student-centered, following standards, parameters, and milestones clearly identified by the instructor. Students have control over the planning, refining, presenting, and reflecting of the project. Through projects, students are engaged in innovation and creativity.

Students undertake Project Works in different areas like Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Automatic Control System and PLC. The Students acquire knowledge and expertise in Final Year Project by carrying out the Minor Projects and Simulation Work. Projects like PLC controlled Bottling Plant, Traffic Controller, Escalator and Unmanned Railway Crossing are modeled and designed. In Power System, the HVDC Transmission using Six Pulse Converter and Stability by Load Frequency Controller were simulated using MATLAB specific Projects on Electric Machines like Torque – Slip characteristic for Variable Rotor Resistance, Induction Generator, like assessment of Transformer were performed. Automatic Room Light Controller using Smart Logic, Remote Controlled for Regulator & Robotic Car were designed.

Under the able guidance of qualified and experience Faculty Members, a group of Students has developed a project “DESIGN OF SEMI INTELLIGENT ROBOTIC SYSTEM (LAND AND WATER ROVER)” which can work as Spy both on land as well as on water. This system can send visual information via Mobile Network.