The Internal Complaints Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee for J.P. Institute of Technology, preventation of sexual harassment of women at workplace, as per ‘The Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Probibition and Redressal) act, 2013’ to deal with the sexual harassment complaints of women at workplace.

      This is to notify that the ICC of the college is re-organized as per AICTE (Gender Sensitization, Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students and redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutes ) Regulations, 2016 with immediate effect as follows:

Internal Complaint Committee

SR.NO. NAME and Designation Status in the Committee
  1. Dr. Purnendu Bhushan
  2. Mr. Tinku Kumar
  (HOD), AS
  3. Mr. Manikant Kumar
  (Principal, JPIS)
  4. Mr. Bajrangi Das
  (Police Officer)
  5. Dr. Vivekanand Kumar
  (Medical officer)
  6. Mrs. Liza Namarata Kisku
  7. Mrs. Simpi kumari
  8. Mrs. Moni kumari
  9. Mr. Pratyush Kumar
  10. Mrs. Sneha Kumari

The above committee will follow AICTE Regulations 2016 for Redressal of complaint.

Admission 2024-25